Maker Projects
Below are a few of the Maker projects that I have worked on. In my free time I really enjoy designing and tinkering with things.
Halloween Peek-a-Boo Ghost
I made a peek-a-boo ghost for Halloween 2016. You put your hand over the IR sensor and the ghost goes "peek-a-boo!" This was a cute project that was created as a sample for the tutorial I lead for the Santa Clara University IEEE Student Chapter meeting.
Laser Cut Snowflakes
I designed these unique snowflakes in solidworks. The snowflakes are made of wood. The white piece in the middle is made of acrylic. It was engraved by an image found online and painted over in red. The excess paint was wiped off.
Felt Stuffed Animals
These were made using tutorials from XOXO Christine's tutorials. The picture contains (from top to bottom, left to right) Totoro, turtle, tofu, seal, bread, panda, and an octtopus.
Laser Cut Penguin
Designed in Solidworks, this penguin was cut in the laser cutter and painted with spray paint. To create this spray painted wood, blue tape was used and laser cut to create the holes to be spray painted.