Aloha! Challenge me to design . . .


I design beautiful tangible experiences for people.
And by the way, I can also make them digital.

// I have a background in computer and electrical engineering.


Product Design

A playful radio that visualizes sounds while encouraging physical gestures to interact with a radio in hopes that customers will remember their time with their radio in the ever distracting digital world.

We redesigned the toaster for manufacturing and assembly as well as functionality. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

We redesigned the first aid kit, creating a more portable version for college students who are always on the go and don’t always want to buy a first aid kit.

A set of resistor organizer drawers.  By placing the resistor on the copper pads, one is able to find out it's value and place it in the correct drawer. 

This productivity robot is the physical touch point for the Amazon Alexa with a more approachable design for the home.

This is an off the grid, 238 sq. ft. house that rotated to track the sun.  We won first place at the SMUD Tiny House Competition.  Business Insider Article  


This centerpiece is meant to celebrate the lightness of the air plant and evoke a soothing presence within the space. 

Using the antler as a method to study form, I was able to learn how to transition an object from nature to having a more man-made look.


Here is a compilation of some of the product design and user experience sketches that I have done with variations on styles and techniques.

The bullet journal helps me stay organized.  It contains my weekly schedule and activities that I want to do.  

I enjoy making and prototyping my ideas so I often have side projects that help me express my creativity.